What Clients Say

Many of our clients have been working with us for over two decades, and we’ve had the privilege of guiding them and helping them to achieve their goals.

“We came to know Mark through his relationship with my in-laws. On their passing, we started to work with him. Together, and especially with his extensive knowledge as a guide, our portfolio has been well-managed, providing regular monthly cash flow for over 10 years. As an accountant, I have been happy to refer clients to him and they have all expressed to me that his involvement has provided them with a great deal of security. He is always accessible, and he has demonstrated that our financial security is paramount.”

- D. & S. T.

“My husband retired over 15 years ago and since that time, Mark has continued to protect and build our financial portfolio. He has the innate ability to hone in on the diverse psychological needs of all his clients and has a knack for reading people’s minds and hearts! His professional recipe for client / advisor success is to always take into consideration what the goals are for each individual. Mark has continued to educate us, giving us opportunities to better understand our financial decisions and choices, and helping us to clarify our goals. One never has to hesitate when considering working with Mark.”

- L. & M. K.

“We started working with Mark when we were just entering our retirement and were concerned about our long-term financial situation. Mark sat down with us to really understand our lifestyle, aspirations and even our fears, and then built a financial plan for us that took all of this into consideration. Having a strategy in place has brought me tremendous peace of mind. Mark meets with us regularly and is never too busy to discuss any questions I might have. It’s really nice to have someone we truly trust in our corner.”

- S.B.

“I was going through a huge life transition when I first met with Mark. Recently divorced, I was a newly single parent raising two kids. I had just sold our family home and had no idea where to begin in terms of managing my finances. Mark not only worked with me to create a solid financial plan and make smart investment decisions but he also brought in other resources I didn’t even think about. With Mark’s help, I set up an education savings plan for my kids and made sure I had the right insurance in place. Five years later, my daughter is entering university and I feel empowered and confident about my future.”

- R.S.

The essence of investment management is the management of risks, not the management of returns.
Benjamin Graham